Gardening for Pollinators and Butterflies - Beechwood or Zoom

07/25/2020 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM ET




  • Free


Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve
614 Dorseyville Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15238


Gardening for Pollinators and Butterflies is offered online via Zoom or onsite at Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve - choose your event session during registration. Participants will plant native seedlings to bring home to their butterfly garden.


Butterflies are always a welcome guest in the garden. Join us to better understand the keys to a successful butterfly garden in western PA and ways we can use our gardens to help our local native bee species. Using native plants and eco-friendly landscape practices provide essential elements that insects need to thrive. Participants will plant native seedlings to bring home to their butterfly garden. The regular $6/member and $10/nonmember fee is waived due to generous funding provided by The Pittsburgh Foundation. Be sure to choose Zoom or in-person option when registering. Masks are required to be worn for all ASWP events, both indoor and outdoor.

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